These pages are 100% HTML/CSS and do not use JavaScript or 3rd party frameworks. They use valid, semantic, HTML. They also use valid CSS however, the CSS Validator does not recognize some newer CSS selectors and properties. I use nesting and other selectors to keep the code to a minimum and make it easier to read.

Back to basics
A simple, semantic, HTML site. For those of you that believe in the KISS method, this is the simplest, cleanest method of creating website. No bulky frameworks, no large JavaScript libraries or scripts, just plain HTML and CSS.

So what, HTML that is so old school
True, most of the web today is built on CMS apps platforms like WordPress or app made using JavaScript. But the god-awful truth is that all of these things that make our life easier in creating beautiful web pages do it by writing HTML & CSS. It would be hard to find a website or page not made of HTML and styled with CSS, regardless of how the site was built. While CMSs like WordPress and JavaScript libraries like jQuery, React, NextJS, etc. do have a valid place in today's websites. Without HTML/CSS the web would be pretty empty.
A little History
HTML could be considered the original defined markup language implemented for the web. It was invented by Tim Bernner-Lee in 1989, the first HTML pagein HTML was done in 1991. There are several other markup and other languages used on the internet but HTML is the main language used for displaying webpages.