Ajax Custom Taxonomy Filter
A custom ajax filter made with Ajax and yes embarrassingly jQuery. The left “sidebar” lists the custom custom taxonomies sorted by the parent taxonomy. The sub-categories are selected by checking the box. When a box is checked the Ajax taxonomy filter sorts all the custom post types by the category in the right column again sorted by category. It also displays a count of the total posts and a list of the categories for navigation.
The filter uses Ajax to change the sidebar filter by deactivating any taxonomies that are not in the results. Multiple checkboxes can be selected allowing the user to fine-tune the results. Works on both custom and standard post types and taxonomies.
This is the exception to the rule “no jQuery”. I need to work on converting this filter to Vanilla JS or perhaps Next JS.
Filter By:
Ajax filter
PLEASE NOTE: Each time you click on an option, the list will be updated with a group of products that match your criteria.
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